Many Questions!
Full name: Siggi!
Nicknames: Grillby, JP, Sigmund, John, Sigurd.
Birthplace: Illinoise.
Birthday: December, 2004.
Where Do You Live Now?: Illinoise!
Parent(s): Lovely disability studies professor mother, inspiring bassist father.
Sibling(s): Nope :)
Looks: 6'1"; Hazel eyes; Long brown hair; Lean but muscular, mostly in my legs.
Favorite Animal(s): Cats, Rats, Bears, and Whales.
Favorite TV Show(s): Evangelion,
Twin Peaks, and
Favorite Kind(s) Of Music: Chamber Folk, Amospheric Black Metal, Funk, Art Rock, Experiental HipHop, Ambient, IDM, Jazz-Funk, Chamber Pop, Prog Rock, and anything Brian Eno has had a hand in creating.
Favorite Movie(s): Just my top ten:
1. Hedwig and the Angry Inch
2. The Science of Sleep
3. Harold and Maude
4. Irreversible
5. In Paris
6. Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time
7. Fallen Angels
8. Stop Making Sense
9. The Lighthouse
10. After Hours
School: Parkland College.
Future School: UofI!
Future Job: Anything i remotely enjoy doing, probably in the realm of academics if dance doesnt work out.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: My lovely girlfriend lala!!!
her beautiful instagram
Best Buds: I love u Alistair, my bestie.
Favorite Candy: Reeses mmmm
Hobbies: Ballet, CSS/HTML, Reading, Listening, Learning to play the bass.
Things You Collect: Bottles (non-alcoholic), terrariums, copies of '
We' by Yevgeny Zamyatin
Do You Have A Personal Phone Line: Lol.
Favorite Body Part Of The Opposite Sex?: Brains. (stole this questionaire from another page, i totally agree with them).
Any Tattoos And Where Of What?: Getting one of each tattoo Hedwig has on their hips
Piercing(s) And Where?: Getting my ears done at some point
What Do You Sleep in?: Naked or in these sick blue striped pajamas
Do you like Chain Letters: Like this shit?
LOL, they're hilarious.
Best Advice: Dont regret high school, play the game.
Favorite Quotes:
Non-sport Activity You Enjoy: Walking about :3
Dream Car: One of those big boxy ones from the 80s or 90s. (again i agree with person who's questionaire i stole)
Favorite Thing To Do In Spring: Become a social recluse and dive into some academic hyperfixation.
What's Your Bedtime: 11:00!
Where Do You Shop?: i need some new clothes.
Coke or Pepsi: neither, royal crown cola ftw.
Favorite Thing(s) To Wear?: sweater jeans combo undefeated
Favorite Subject(s) In School?: Most of Biology, Economics, whatever English class dives into rhetoric, and a few programming classes.
Favorite Color(s): used to love coral but i think im now fully pink pilled.
Favorite People To Talk To Online: the lovely people of
sushi's funhouse
Root-Beer or Dr. Pepper?: root beer but only by a little bit.
Do You Shave?: si !
Favorite Vacation Spot(s): Wherever the ballet intensive i take is located.
Favorite Family Member(s): not touching that
Did You Eat Paint Chips When You Were a Kid?: you what.
Favorite CD you own: MGMT demo version of Metanoia i got from Ben Goldwasser's Mom.
The ONE Person Who You Hate The Most: i dont hate people, that said,
luke smith is fucking braindead
Favorite Food(s): Ramen and Burger :).
Who Is The Hottest Guy or Girl In The World?: Shiiit: My Girlfriend, Baryshnikov, Jake Gyllenhal, or Mick Jagger
What Is Your Favorite Salad Dressing?: Nuh uh
When You Die, Do You Wanna Be Buried or Burned Into Ashes?: Ashes, thrown into the Massachusetts bay with my great uncle.
Do You Believe In Aliens?: Yeah, i just doubt we'll meet em. We're too early!
If You Had The Chance To Professionally Do Something, What would You Do?: Ballet, or a Political Career.
Things You Obsess Over: That's in the regular about page!
Favorite Day of the Week: Feliz Jueves!
A Teacher You Hate: Mr. Agrawal, poor guy could barely speak english in a super unruly zoom meeting. even when understandable he was just bad at teaching very basic concepts.
Favorite Disney Movie: Big fan of Fantasia although that sounds too hipster-like, i did enjoy Tarzan !!! Megamind is dreamworks but its peak fiction so whatever, it counts to me.
What Is Your Favorite Season?: Spring!
What Toppings Do You Like On Your Pizza?: Pepperoni and mushrooms.
Do You Like Your School Food Itself (As In The District Food): The pizza is surprisingly good.
If You Could Live Anywhere, Where Would You Live?: Iceland, i wanna become like Wim Hof, that guy is cool in both literal and figurative ways.
Favorite Thing(s) To Do On Weekends: website, homework, stretch, play bass, read, weed, wake, bake.
Favorite Magazine(s): I used to read a ton of J-14 when i was like 9-12.
Favorite Flower(s): i like them all :).
Favorite Number(s): 333, love you bladey.
Favorite Ice Cream flavor(s): chocolate with chocolate syrup.
What Kind of Guys/Girls Are You Attracted to?: i love people that are better versions of myself. also those who are incredibly smart, or incredibly flaboyant
What's Your Most Embarrassing Moment?: Shitting myself when Lil Uzi dropped Eternal Atake, i don't even like Lil Uzi.
If You Could Change One Thing About Yourself What Would It be?: I used to be really insecure about my chin but ive grown into it more or less. Im scared that i look too manly in person a lot.
Do You Eat Breakfast First Then Brush Your Teeth or Brush first ten eat breakfast: Who the fuck eats breakfast after brushing their teeth?!?! Not only will that shit taste weird, but you get your teeth dirty immediately after brushing them. Disgraceful. (i must agree with the previous participant in this questionaire)
Favorite Time of Day: i love 5:00 PM.
Can A Guy and Girl Be Just "Best Friends?": Yeah of course.
Do You Ask The Girl / Guy Out Or Do You Wait For Them To Come To You?: I talk about incredibly controversial topics and eventually they come to me.
Do You Mind Paying For Sex?: i would rather earn it
What's The Most Important thing In Someone's Personality: Transparancy and intelligence.
Do you have a pager or cell phone?: An Iphone!
Favorite Sport: big fan of table tennis and volleyball.
What Was the Best Gift You Ever Received?: This laptop :).
How Long Did This Letter Take You To Finish?: I think an hour, had to think for some of these.
What Did You Listen To While Completing It?: Soda Stereo and the Angelic Process. Great bands.
Are you or would you like to be married in the near future (next 5 years)?: Haha hell no dude.